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Education for a Connected World, tracking coverage documents

Education for a Connected World, tracking coverage documents

An editable documents to track coverage of the statements set out in the Educaiton for a Connected World Framework. This simple document made it easy for me to monitor coverage, review strands that needed additional input and ensured I could check for consistency across a three form entry school. The DfE 'Guidance, Teaching Online safety in Schools (updated 12 January 2023) ‘provides non-statutory guidance about schools and ensure that children understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements.’. The document frequently refers to the Education for a Connected World Framework, to identify age realted statements to cover within each age range. As a Computing and Online Safety Subject Leader in my previous role, I devised documents to track coverage over the year. This document was useful when discussing how we supported children in the ever changing world, when we had an Ofsted inspection.